Sunday, February 27, 2011

Bountiful Baskets, Banana Bread, Cinnamon Rolls and Upcoming Attractions, Oh My!

Hi there!

I’d like to start by saying how excited I am the follower count is at five.  Talk about a great way to start the week!!  Welcome to the Kitchen!!

This week is another Bountiful Basket week, and we’ll have to get a little creative.  I have more broccoli than I know what to do with, along with two beautiful bunches of pencil thin asparagus…yum… We also have huge heads of bok choy and Nappa cabbage that are full of promise.  The most random though is a coconut…I have no idea what to do with it yet, but I’m sure we’ll figure out something!

I’ll let you guys know how the basket turns out.  It should be a wild ride this week!

Breakfast Breads

Yesterday I had a dilemma; I had six bananas on the verge.  Now, the banana bread recipe I have is my grandmother’s, and if I remember correctly it was her grandmother’s too.  The perk of this recipe is it assumes you’re using bananas that are almost beyond edible as wells as sour milk, a kind of cleaning-out-the-pantry kind of thing.  I have not used spoiled milk (in fact, I have never made it with regular milk, period) but I have used bananas that were…well…almost frightening.   So I decided to make banana bread.  My recipe calls for 2-3 per batch, and I had six.  So, logically, I figure I’ll make a triple batch. 

My first hiccup came when I realized I was almost out of sugar; that was an easy fix, I substituted brown sugar for regular and it gave a really nice color to the batter.  My second came in the actual amount of batter that a triple batch creates.  How much batter is actually in a triple batch is half again what my stand mixer holds; before adding six cups of flour there was approximately ten cups of batter.  Needless to say it took some careful pouring to cut the batter in half so I had room to add the flour…but the bread turned out good.  I probably should have split the one large loaf into two or possibly three, but it was still good!

This morning brought another baking whim: cinnamon rolls.  While my husband took his turn to sleep in, I split my attention between a new cinnamon roll recipe and our rambunctious puppy.  The dough was a little on the disagreeable side but the rolls turned out amazing.  Granted, they need to bake longer, but they were quite good.

Up Coming Attractions

In trying to keep blog posts flowing, I was brainstorming topics I could write on.  After some thought I figured it would be fun to write on different diets; what fun to explore Vegan and Gluten Free cooking, and further explore Vegetarian cooking.

I plan on starting with Vegetarian, as Vegan expands on the Vegetarian principles; Gluten Free is a whole new ball game for me, so it will take me longer to research.  Check back for new posts on these diets in the near future!

If you have anything you would like me to touch on, whether on the diets or something else, I would love to hear it!  Drop me an email at or leave a comment!

Stay tuned for some fun explorations!

Happy Eating!

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